A Love Letter to Fountain Pens

Just a little post romanticising fountain pens

  ·   2 min read

What pen do you write with ?

One of the silly obsessions I have is around stationery and paper. Can’t help but I prefer my notebooks a certain way, I like my pens a certain way.

I’ve been using fountain pens daily for about 2 years now, and my god I don’t think I’ll ever go back to writing with a ball point pen.

Fountain pens are very different. They are gentle, tactile, repairable and smoother. The experience of writing with a good fountain pen is soo much better than writing with a mass produced ball point pen. You can’t help but not a be a little romantic about these pens.

I’ve never been a fan of ball point pens, I never liked them. They are scratchy, they don’t last long and they feel cheal and disposable. In my school days I used to prefer gel pens because they were smoother, but they still felt cheap and disposable.

Another more personal reason I love fountain pens is that they force you to approach writing with a bit more stillness. A fountain pen demands your attention, it asks you to slow down and actually enjoy the physical act of writing.

Fountain pens are modular, thus they are repairable, you can swap out a part if it wears out over time. These pens can last for 15/20 years with moderate repair and restoration.

I started out with a Lamy Safari, it’s a great pen for beginners. It’s a workhorse, it’s reliable, and it’s a great choice if you are looking for a “first” fountain pen. This one will get you hooked.

After that you can puruse the enermous world of fountain pens, there many brands, many nibs and an abnormal number of inks. It’s a rabbit hole, but it’s a fun one.

A pen is a tool for expression, and I really want my tools of expression to stay with me for years on end. And that makes fountain pens a great fit.